(231) 629-8130

Delinquency / Abuse or Neglect

Delinquency / Abuse or Neglect

Delinquency / Abuse or Neglect

If your child is charged with a crime, a delinquency petition will be filed, and the court will seek to take jurisdiction and determine what is necessary to rehabilitate him or her. Children are often impulsive and susceptible to peer pressure. Fortunately, a skilled attorney can help you take advantage of the ways that your child may be afforded an opportunity to walk away without a criminal record. Criminal records are sealed in most cases involving children. However, records are not sealed for all and can be used in certain circumstances when your child becomes an adult. Long-term consequences can result if the case is not handled properly.

Neglect and abuse petitions are filed by the prosecuting attorney on behalf of the Department Health and Human Services. A petition must be sufficient to meet the statutory definition of abuse and neglect. When these types of petitions are filed, the results can range from having a request filed for protective services to be provided to the family to having the children removed and placed in foster care or having a parent removed from the home.   These are significant, traumatic events for families. The right to raise one’s children is constitutional and highly protected. You need an attorney who will represent your best interest at each stage and minimize any trauma to you and your family. The decision to allow the court to take jurisdiction or demand your right to a trial should not be taken lightly. You need to know how your decisions will impact you and your family.